Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Twitter & TweetPivot announce 2 new Twitter Clients

Last night we announced our new Twitter Client. Little did we know that only a few short hours later Twitter were going to announce theirs. If you study the 'numbers' very carefully it does look as though @ev and @biz got slightly more press coverage than us, but we're trying to catch them up!

Twitter has done what it should have done a long time ago - revamp its website. After all, 78% of Twitter users still use it so it was well overdue some TLC. This move certainly reduces the differentiator that the leading 3rd-party Twitter clients have enjoyed. The website may now be "just good enough" to suppress power users' temptations to look for a fuller client.

However, we believe that the TweetPivot Twitter Client still stands apart from the crowd. We have made a departure from the usual fixed-column approach and developed a client whose core area is dynamic.

So, if you're looking for something different, something remarkable and you'd like to have a say in how it's developed why not sign up for the beta trial?

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