Thursday, 1 July 2010

Off to a Flying Start

It's only 24 hours since we published the new Silverlight version of TweetPivot. This made it available to anyone running a 'modern' browser. In just that short space of time we've had over 150 new collections built and almost 500 unique visitors.

So far the site has coped admirably with the increased load and we haven't had any reports of collection requests failing - everything's been built.

We've also been receiving lots of great, positive comments and exposure from users. Special thanks to Pete Brown who posted a great tweet to his 2000 followers.

By far the biggest negative comment we have received has related to the speed of generating new collections. It takes about 3 minutes to generate a collection of 1000 twitter users. We know that this is far too long and are working hard to resolve it. Technically:

"Every profile image of every user in the collection needs to be converted to a Deep Zoom Image. Once all these have been done they are then all combined into a Deep Zoom Collection. The first part of this process is very intensive and, unfortunately, doesn't seem to run well in a parallel environment. In fact, when utilising .Net 4's Parallel Task Library it actually doubles the conversion time! This process is currently responsible for over 75% of the overall time it takes to create and deliver a new collection."

Finally, a huge "thank you" to everyone who has shown interest in TweetPivot. We have a mountain of amazing new features that we can now start adding to the application. Follow us and we can keep you informed.

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